ホソアシナガバチParapolybia indica(Hymenoptera,Vespidae)の生活史,とくにコロニ-の発達について〔日本産アシナガバチ亜科ハチ類の生態学的研究-2-〕
- 論文の詳細を見る
The outline of the life cycle of Parapolybia indica SAUSSURE was studied under natural conditions in the vicinity of Tsu, Mie Prefecture, southwest Japan, situated near the northernmost district of distribution of this genus, during 1976-1981. 1) Colony cycle lasted about three and a half months from early May to mid August, and total duration of nesting activity was about one and a half months shorter than that of Polistes wasps in the same district. 2) Overwintered queens of P.indica left their hibernacula in early to mid April and initiated nests from early to mid May. The first workers emerged in late June. Foundresses usually survived until late July, and in one colony (Nest No.8103) she died on September 15. a point on the leaves of a tree about several metres from their nest. New queens left the place from early to mid October, and presumably copulated elsewhere. After mating, new queens migrated to overwintering sites and hibernated in mass among tree aperture in a living tree. 3) Total number of cells reached about 163.7 on the average, and mean total number of eggs laid by a foundress throughout active season was 210.6 (n=25). The mean total production of adults was 69.2 individuals in successful colony. 4) The cell construction rates in the solitary period were 1.20/day and 0.39/day before and after hatching of larvae, respectively, and the cell construction recovered in 1.00/day with the appearance of cocoons. 5) Oviposition rate in solitary period also changed from 1.14/day to 0.63/dMales and new queens usually emerged from late July to mid August, and they stayed on their nest until September.Then, they gathered atay before and after hatching of larvae, and again recovered in 1.32/day after cocoon spinning. 6) The maximum rate of cell construction rate was calculated at 2.96 cell/day at about two months after colony foundation in successful colony, and that of oviposition rate was 4.62 eggs/day at the same period. 7) The broods of some new queens were already reared by the foundress before emergence of workers.
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