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Experimental infection method for Paracolo disease(Edwardsiella tarda infections) was studied to imitate histopathologically natural infections in the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica. Prior to the bacterial challenge, the intestine of eel was damaged by 0.1 or 0.05ml of 30% hydrogen peroxide introduced through a silicon tube (1 mm in diameter) which was inserted 3 to 5cm into the intestine from the anus. E. tarda was mixed with a sterilized eel diet and administered into the stomach by a cannula 18 hours after the hydrogen peroxide treatment. Bacterial doses used were from <special>2.6x104</special> to <special>8.4x107CFU/eel</special>. Most fish that were challenged with doses from <special>2.6x104</special> to <special>2.6X106CFU/fish</special> formed abscess in either the liver or the kidney and died within 5-23 days after the challenge. Histopathological changes of their kidneys or livers were principally identical to those observed in the natural infection. On the other hand, fish challenged with doses over <special>7.9x 106 CFU/fish</special> mostly underwent acute process without abscess formation and died within first 4 days after the challenge, though abscesses were formed in some survived animals within 6-12 days.ニホンウナギの大型魚における E. tarda の人工感染方法を確立する目的で, 以下の方法で感染実験を行なった。すなわち, 肛門から腸管に外径lmmのシリコンチューブを3~5cm挿入し, 30%過酸化水素水の0,05~0.1ml を腸管内に注入して腸管に障害を与え, 18時間後に培養細菌を含むウナギ用配合飼料をゾンデで胃内に強制投与した。投与菌量は1尾あたり<special>2.6×104 CFU~8.4×107CFU</special>の間の9段階に設定した。投与後, 実験魚の発病状況を観察し, また, 瀕死状態に陥った魚の腎臓, 肝臓, その他の器官の病理組織学的観察を行ない, 以下の結果を得た。 1. 1尾あたりの投与菌量が<special>104 CFU</special>レベルから<special>106 CFU</special>の下位レベルでは, 実験魚は5日以降に瀕死から斃死に至り, 肝膿瘍か腎膿瘍を発現していた。その病魚の病理組織学的特徴は自然発病魚の特徴とほぼ同じであった。 2. 1尾あたりの投与菌量が<special>8×106 CFU</special>から<special>8×107CFU</special>の高レベルでは腸管障害部での細菌増殖から全身感染に進展して急性に発病・斃死に到る急性例が多かった。
- 日本魚病学会の論文
日本魚病学会 | 論文
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