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就園児の休み明けの疲労度および疲労症状と休日の睡眠の関連を明らかにし, 疲労を軽減させる対策の方向性を探ることを目的として, 2005 年 10 月, 三重県A町立の保育園と幼稚園に通う 1~6 歳児 265 名の家庭に質問紙調査を実施した. 金曜, 休日, 休み明けの疲労症状 10 項目と睡眠習慣について保護者から回答を得, 191 名の有効回答 (有効回答率 72.1%) について分析を行い, 以下の結果が得られた. 1 ) 園児の金曜日の疲労度は休日や休み明けよりも高かった. 休み明けの疲労度が休日より高い児の存在が明らかとなった. 2 ) 休み明け疲労症状 10 項目のうち 6 症状が休日より高く, 「眠そうにしている」 と 「朝からあくびが出ている」 に顕著であった. 3 ) 金曜日 21 時までに就寝する園児は20.3%と少なかった. 休前日または休日 21 時以降に就寝する園児は休み明け 「身体を動かす遊びが少ない」 が有意に高く, 金曜または休前日 21 時以降の就寝や休日8時以降の起床には休み明け 「眠そうにしている」 が高かった. 4 ) 保育園児の 30.4%が高疲労群であり, 幼稚園児の 18.0%より有意に高かった. 休前日または休日22時以降に就寝する園児は, 幼稚園の 32%に比べ保育園が 52%と有意に高かった. 5) 4~6 歳の休み明け低疲労群は, 休前日 21 時までに就寝または休日 8 時までに起床する園児に有意に高かった. 以上より, 園児の休み明けの疲労は休日の睡眠習慣に関連することが明らかとなった. 保護者の生活習慣の違いが園児の疲労や睡眠習慣に影響していることが考えられた. The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between the young children fatigue on Monday and their sleep on Sunday to feel out on measure against their fatigue. The samples were 265 families that have the public kindergartner or nursery school child who aged 1-6 years old and lived at A town of Mie Prefecture in Japan (October, 2005). Fatigue was measured by a 10 items questionnaire and sleep habits were reported by the childs parent. Questionnaires from 193 samples were analyzed as valid responses (valid return rate was 72.1%). This study was a repeated measures over four days of fatigue and sleep habits (bedtime and rising time). Results are following:1. a) More severe fatigue on Friday was compared to Sunday or Monday.b) There were the young children who more severe fatigue on Monday was compared to Sunday.2. a) 6 out of 10 fatigue items were more severe on Monday, as compared to Sunday.b) 2 out of the 6 items (looking sleepy and yawning in this morning) were very severe on Monday, as compared to Sunday.3. a) 20.3% of young children went to bed before 9 p.m. on Friday.b) Those children who went to bed after 9 p.m. on Saturday or Sunday, 1 of 10 fatigue items (rarely playing and moving ones body) were more fatigue on Monday. c) Those children who went to after 9 p.m. on Friday or Saturday and rising time after 8 a.m. on Sunday, then on Monday these children looking sleepy.4. a) Young children in high fatigue groups on Monday were: 30.4% nursery school children; 18.0% kindergartners who were higher than the other children.b) 52% nursery school children and 32% kindergartners went to bed after 10 p.m. on Saturday or Sunday. 5. Young children in low fatigue group in the 4-6 years old group, higher percentage of these children went to bed before 9 p.m. on Saturday, or rising time before 8 a.m. on Sunday. In conclusion, we identified that the young children fatigue on Monday had the close relation to their sleep habits (bedtime and rising time) on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Perhaps the lifestyles of the parent may have major influences on fatigue and sleep habits of their young child.
- 2007-03-20