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イシガレイ Kareius bicoloratus は本邦沿岸に広く分布し,沿岸漁業の対象魚種として極めて重要な位置を占めている。このため本種の成長や成熟に関する研究は,北海道から九州までのいくつかの水域で,断片的なものも含めて比較的多く報告されている(山下 1963,山下ほか1963,山下・苫米地1964, Hatanaka at al. 1952,宮城県水産試験場 1975,小松 1968,高越・秋元 1975,平川 1980,庄司ほか 1982,Suzuki 1966,三重県伊勢湾水産試験場 1975,正木ほか 1986,藤・多湖 1972,藤・林 1975,藤ほか 1974など)。伊勢湾についても前述のSuzuki (1966)や三j重県伊勢湾水産試験場(1975)の報告が知られている。このうち,前者は主として耳石の形状や輪紋形成期,耳石径一体長関係,体長-体重関係などについて報告し,また後者は伊勢湾におけるカレイ類数種の生態について総合的に行なわれた調査研究の一部である。したがって, この海域における本種の成長や成熟については未だ充分な知見は得られていないと思われる。 このようなことから,著者らは伊勢湾におけるイシガレイの成長や成熟について調査研究を行い,その結果いくつかの知見が得られたのでここに報告する。 The stone flounder, Kareius bicoloratus, inhabits the sand or sandy mud bottom along the coast of Japan Island, and is fished by means of handytrowl and gill-net. We have the report by SUZUKI (1966 ) concerning the growth analysis in Ise Bay. However, it has not yet offered satisfactory information on the growth and maturity of this species. The authors, therefore, have done research on the growth and maturity of the stone flounder in the waters of Ise Bay. The materials used in this study consist of 847 specimens from 37 to 428mm in body length, which were mostly caught in the western area of the bay, during the period from March 1985 to January 1986. The results obtained are summarized as follows : 1) The relationships of the standard length (SL in mm) to the total length (TL in mm), and to the body weight (W in g) were shown by the following equations: TL=1.199 SL+3.118 log W = 2.865 log SL-4.356 2) The minimum values of the marginal increment of otolith on the blind side were obtained during the period from December to June, while the maximum value was in November. From this, it may be inferred that the ring of otolith is formed once a year from winter to early summer and its formation is frequent in March and April. 3)The relationship between the otolith radius (R in mm) and the standard length was shown by the following equation: log SL=1.194 1og R+1.769 4)The results obtained from the WALFORD's growth transformation method indicated that the plots of ln+1 against ln fall on a straight line, given by the following equation: ln+1 = 0.7232 ln+124.4 5)Since the time difference between spawning and ring formation on the otolith was about 0.67 year,the BERTALANFFY'S growth equation for full age (t) in the standard length (Lt) and the body weight (Wt) were given as follows: Lt = 449.6 (1-exp ( 0.3241(t+0.1368))) Wt = 1755.3 (1-exp (0.3241(t+0.1368)))2.865 6)The monthly changes of the gonadsomatic index (GSI=GW/W × 100; GW, gonad weight in g ) show that the spawning season is during the period from December to January and its peak appears in December. 7)From the changes of the gonadsomatic index, the matured age of stone flounder is 2-age in female and 1-age in male. Moreover, it may be indicated that the biological minimum size is about 200mm for females and 120mm for males based on the relationships between the standard length and the gonad weight in December.
- 三重大学水産学部の論文
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