ニシキゴイの滑走細菌性あなあき病の病理組織学的研究-II : 治癒段階の潰瘍病巣
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1. 病原性滑走細菌による潰瘍病に罹病したニシキゴイの治癒過程にある潰瘍病巣を病理組織学的に検討した。2. その結果, 治癒の初期段階にある病巣では, 潰瘍表面は網目状の疎な表皮で被蓋され, 潰瘍底には線維素が析出し, その下の侵された体側筋組織では炎性細胞浸潤が起っていた。また, 治癒がさらに進んだ段階の病巣では, 再生表皮は密度を増して肥厚し, 潰瘍底には肉芽組織が新生して析出線維素や壊死した体側筋組織を吸収してそれらと置換していた。3. 以上のことから, 再生表皮と析出線維素による侵された組織表面の被覆と, その後に新生した肉芽組織による析出線維素や壊死組織の消化吸収, 置換が, 潰瘍病巣の治癒に最も重要な役割を果しているとわかった。Two carps with naturally healing ulcers in the body surface were obtained from among the diseased fish suffering from a gliding bacterial infection, and we have made a histopathological observation on their lesions. In the earlier stage of healing ulcers excavating the lateral musulature, the mesh‐shaped thin regenerating epithelium migrated and covered the fibrin meshwork precipitated on the affected lateral musclature. And in the affected musculature a large number of inflammatory cells infiltrated and phagocytized the necrotized tissues and there were no bacteria. In the far progressing stage of the healing ulcers the regenerating epithelium became thicker and beneath it the highly vascularized, granulation tissue was newly formed and it replaced inflammatory exudates and necrotized matters of the musculature. From the histopathological observation, we have concluded that covering of the ulcer surface with the regenerating epithelium and the precipitated, fibrin meshwork, and organization by the newly formed, granulation tissue play an important role to heal the ulcerative lesions.
- 1976-11-01
論文 | ランダム
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