ニシキゴイの滑走細菌性あなあき病の病理組織学的研究-I: 感染病巣について
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1. 滑走細菌による潰瘍病に罹病したニシキゴイの進行過程にある潰瘍病巣を病理組織学的に検討した。2. その結果, 初期潰瘍病巣では, 滑走細菌の真皮内侵入増殖がみられること, 重篤な場合には, 大きく進展した潰瘍病巣に滑走細菌や他種の細菌が体側筋組織に侵入増殖して組織を破壊し, 急性炎症反応が起っていることが認められた。3. また, 初期の感染性潰瘍病巣とウオジラミ寄生局所の所見との間に変化の類似性が見られた。4. 以上のことから, この滑走細菌は真皮の膠原線維性結合織に高度の侵襲性をもつことがわかり, この滑走細菌が真皮を側方伝播することで潰瘍病巣は拡大し, かつ, その後に侵入した他種の細菌とともに体側筋組織を侵して潰瘍をさらに深くすると考えられた。5. 重篤例では, 体側筋組織を巻き込んだ感染病巣が敗血病巣に発展していることがわかった。6. また, 滑走細菌は外部寄生虫によってつくられた皮膚の創傷を侵入門戸としていると推察された。We examined histopathologically the diseased color carps suffering from the flexible bacterial infection which broke out in late spring in 1974. This paperdeals with histopathological observation of the infected ulcers rnanifested in the body surface. The isolated flexible bacterium has a growth-temperature range lower than that of Flexibacter columnaris. In the shallow ulcers the epithelium disappeared and the exposed dermis was attacked by a considerable number of flexible bacteria. In tlre large ulcers excavating the lateral musculature, 1) in the central area the exposed musculature was strikingly necrotized and flexible bacteria and other Gram-negative rods invaded its superficial layer, 2) in the marginal areas lhe dermis which was attacked by a large number of flexible bacteria and was necrotized, covered the meshwork of fibrin precipitated on the affectecl mursculature, in which many rnacrophages infiltrated and acute inflammatory reactions occurred, 3) in the surrounding areas a considerable nurnber of flexible bacteria disserninated just through the superficial layer of the dermis.The diseased carps were attacked by also fish-lice and the lesion was a micro defect of the epithelium.From the histopathological observation, we can point out that the flexible bacterium plays an important role to enlarge ulcer, and its rnarked invasivenessthrough the collagenous tissues is an important characteristic of this bacterium. We conclude that the flexible bacterium may enter the dermis through the dermal wound which has been produced by external parasites and it enlarges ulcers by means of its lateral dissemination through the dermis. We also conclude that other bacteria invaded subsequently the exposed lateral musculature aid to deepen ulcers.
- 三重大学水産学部の論文
- 1976-11-01
三重大学水産学部 | 論文
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