Analysis of a Mixed Normal Distributioin by Means of the First Difference of the Logarithmic Frequency Distribution
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A simple method which utilizes the fact that the differential coefficients of a parabola give a straight line is proposed for analysing the polymodal length distribution into two or more individual normal distributions. A differential value of <special>ln Yi(=yi, logarithmic frequency of length classes li)</special>, <special>dyi/dli</special> can be approximatery given by<special>dyi/dli = 1/2 ( yi-yi-1/li-li-1+yi+1-yi/li+1-li )</special>where ln Y = <special>ln 1/2πσ2 - (l-m)2/2σ2</special> (for a normal distribution the mean is m and standard deviation σ. When several straight lines sloping downward to the right can be fitted to the first difference of the logarithmic frequency distribution, the intersections of these straight lines and dy/dl= 0 represent mean length of several normal distribution. The method above is applied to the saury and the porgy length distribution.放射線の微係数が直線になることを利用して, polymodal な体長組成データを複数の正規分布に分解する簡便な方法を提案する。体長階級<special>li</special>の対数頻度<special>yi</special>の微分値は近似的に<special>dyi/dli = 1/2 ( yi-yi-1/li-li-1+yi+1-yi/li+1-li )</special>として表される。ここでY = <special>ln 1/2πσ2 - (l-m)2/2σ2</special> (平均m,標準σの正規分布)とする。対数頻度分布の一次階差に幾本かの右さがりの直線をあてはめられた場合, これらの直線と dy/dl = 0 との交点が,それぞれの正規分布の平均体長を表現することになる。上記の方法をサンマとキダイの体長組成の具体例へ適用した。
- 1991-01-31
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