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太陽集熱ハウス内で穀物の地干し攪拌乾燥を行うとき,穀物の品質を低下させずに短日間にできるだけ多量の穀物乾燥をするためにはどういう作業条件(堆積厚さ,攪拌頻度,送風の有無など)とすべきかを究明するための実験と乾燥可能量を調べるための連続乾燥実験をもみと小麦について実施した。得られた結果を要約すると次のとおりである。 1) 地干しにおいては堆積厚さが乾燥速度に最も大きく影響し,厚くなるほど乾燥所要日数は増加するが,その増加割合は厚さが増すにつれて漸減する。したがって乾燥仕上り量(kg/日)は薄く干したときより厚く干したときのほうが多いという結果になる。 2) 攪拌頻度を高めても乾燥速度はあまり増加しないが,攪拌は均一な乾燥と品質低下の防止上必要である。 3) 送風は堆積厚さが2cm以下のときは効果は少ないが,厚い層で天候不順なときは乾燥を促進させ乾燥所要日数を短縮するうえに効果がある。 4) もみと小麦の間には乾燥特性に大きな差はみられない。ただ,小麦はもみのように急速乾燥に伴なう胴割れ現象はあらわれないので取扱いは容易である。 5) ハウス1棟当りの年間乾燥仕上り量を増加させるには,堆積厚さを10cm内外と厚くし,ハウスのフロアは可能な限り広く使い,しかも年間有効利用期間を長くすることが重要である。Two types of grains, rough rice and wheat, were piled on the floor of a solar collecting house and dried by stirring at given intervals. The purpose of the drying experiment was to determine the appropriate dying conditons under wich a large quantity of grain can be dried in a short time without any damage. The experiment examined many factors concerning drying, the tickness of the piled grain, the frequency of stirring, the effect of an air blast and so on. The results obtained are as follows : 1) The drying rate depends on the thickness of the piled grain when the grain is dried by being piled on the floor. The number of days required for drying increases according to the thickness of the piled grain, but its rate of increase decreases gradulally. Accordingly, the drying capacity (kg/day) beeomes larger for the thickly piled grain for the thinly piled grain. 2) Even if grain is stirrred more frequently, the drying rate does not increase so greatly. However, stirring is necessary for uniform drying and for prevention against damage. 3) While the air blast does not have so much of an effect on the drying rate when the thickness of the piled grain is 2 cm or less, it has the effect of shortening the number of drying days by accelerating the drying rate for thick grain in bad weather. 4) There is no great difference in drying characteristics between rough rice and wheat. However, treatment of wheat is easier because no cracks caused by rapid drying appear in wheat kernels. 5) For the increse of the total amount of grain dried in one solar collecting house, it is essential to make the thickness of piled grain to be about 10cm, to use the whole floor area of the house, and to make the number of workdays of the housr longer.
- 三重大学農学部の論文
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