Development of Flower Buds in Pharbitis nil Choisy as Influenced by Various External Conditions and Growth Substances
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The developmental stage of the flower buds of Pharbitis nil, cv, Violet was determined, and the effects of external conditions and exogenous gibberellin <special>A3 (GA3)</special> or abscisic acid (ABA) following a single flower-inducing dark period on their development were examined with axillary flower buds formed on the third node which were referred to as the first flower buds and with the terminal flower buds on the main stem. 1. The stage of development of the flower buds was represented by floral scores from 0 (vegetative bud) to 10 (petal unfurling). 2. Under continuous white-light of fluorescent lamps the first and terminal flower buds developed rapidly to the carpel initiation and carpel development, respectively. Thereafter, these flower buds hardlydeveloped. The rate and pattern of development of these flower buds were not affected by the different lengths of the flower-inductive dark periods of 12-, 14- and 16-h, all of which caused the initiation of flower buds. 3. Exposure to short days caused both the first and terminal flower buds to develop further, where development of the formers preceded that of the latters. However, exposure to long days consisting of either continuous light or interruption of the dark period by light, inhibited or retarded the subsequent development of both the first and terminal flower buds, where development of the formers was retarded earlier than that of the latters. 4. The higher the light intensity, the more promoted the early development of both the first and terminal flower buds. 5. At 30℃ the first flower buds ceased their early development. The terminal flower buds reverted earlier to vegetative buds. At 20℃ both the flower buds continued to develop slowly later on. 6. Exogenous <special>GA3</special> promoted the early development of the terminal flower buds. However, ABA inhibited the early development of both the first and terminal flower buds. These findings are discussed in relation to development of the lower axillary and terminal flower buds.アサガオ,品種Violetの幼植物における,1回の花成誘導暗期によって形成された主茎上の第3節位の腋生花芽(初生花)と頂生の花芽(頂花)の両者の発達に及ぼす花成誘導後の各種の外的要因,および外生ジベレリン<special>A3(GA3)</special>とアブシジン酸(ABA)の影響を調べた。1.花芽の発達を,0(栄養芽)および1(花芽の分化)から10(花弁の展開)までの段階で示した。2.昼色螢光灯の連続照明下で,初生花は心皮の形成段階,頂花は心皮の発達段階までそれぞれ急速に発達した。しかしその後,両者の発達は遅くなるか,あるいは停止した。この花芽の発達の速度と形式は,花成誘導暗期の長さに(12,14,16 時間)影響されなかった。3.短日条件下では,初生花及び頂花は花弁の展開まで連続的に発達した。この際,初生花が,頂花より優先的に発達した。これに対して,連続照明及び暗期の光中断による長日条件下では,心皮の形成と発達段階まで急速に発達するが,それ以後の発達は遅くなった。この際,初生花の発達抑制が頂花より早く起った。4.照射光の光度が強いほど,初生花及び頂花の初期発達は促進された。5.20℃では,初生花及び頂花の発達は緩慢であるが,連続的に進行した。これに対して,30℃では初生花の発達は早期に停止し,頂花は栄養芽に戻った。6.<special>GA3</special>は,頂花の初期発達を促進した。ABAは,初生花と頂花の両者の発達を抑制した。上記の実験結果から,アサガオにおける下位節の腋生花芽と頂生花芽の相互の発達形式について考察した。
- 1994-03-31
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