Gingival Metastasis from Ovarian Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma as An Initial Manifestation (A Rare Case Report)
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The metastasis of malignant tumors to the oral cavity remains a rare clinical entity.Most metastatic tumors have the propensity for involving the mandible rather than theoral soft tissues. Herein, we describe an unusual case of ovarian mucinous cystadenocarcinomathat metastasized to the mandibular gingiva as an initial manifestation.There is little information regarding metastatic ovarian cancer to the oral cavity. Apatient was a 54-year-old woman who developed the paresthesia and swelling of theright mandible after tooth extraction. A pantomograph revealed an osteolytic lesionin the right mandible. A biopsy taken from the gingiva showed mucinous adenocarcinoma,indicating the gingival metastasis of undiscovered primary cancer. A positronemission tomography and computed tomography using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose depictedan ovarian tumor with multiple pelvic and paraaortic lymph node swellings. Amagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) clearly demonstrated the presence of an ovariancancer. Based on the imaging studies, the diagnosis of the gingival metastasis of anovarian cancer was suspected. Serum CEA levels were elevated at 125.6 ng/ml(normal range, 0 - 5 ng/ml). She underwent the right segmental mandiblectomy withfunctional neck dissection and left salpingo-oophorectomy. The histology of surgicalspecimen confirmed the gingival metastasis of ovarian mucinous adenocarcinoma.Neoplastic cells in the gingiva infiltrated to the mandibular bone. She has beentreated with adjuvant chemotherapy consisting of paclitaxel and carboplatin. Thiscase emphasizes that although rare, metastatic ovarian cancer to the gingiva should beincluded in the differential diagnosis of tumors in the oral cavity.
- 神戸大学医学部の論文
- 2008-06-00
神戸大学医学部 | 論文
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