Gender Differences of Dietary Self-Management Behavior Affecting Control Indices in Type II Diabetes
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【Aim】To establish effective dietary self-management behavior for type II maleand female diabetics, by focusing on how dietary intake and dietary self-managementaffect control indices of type II diabetics. 【Methods】The study group comprised 170type II diabetics, 93 men (mean age, 63.1±8.8 years old) and 77 women (mean age63.4±10.2 years old). The final analyses of data collected from subjects comprised threecontrol indices of type II diabetics, several factors related to control indices, and severalitems on a dietary self-management behavior questionnaire. Multiple regression analysesused control indices as dependent variables, and related factors as independentvariables. Multiple regression analyses were also used for the relationships betweendietary intakes as dependent variables and dietary self-management factors asindependent variables. 【Results】Males showed a significant correlation between totalenergy intake per standard body weight per day and body mass index, and asignificantly positive correlation between body mass index and waist circumference.Carbohydrate intake was significantly related to HbA1c. Other results showedcharacteristic relationships between various questionnaire items and "total energyintake, lipids intake, and carbohydrate intake", respectively. Females showedsignificant correlation between carbohydrate intake and both body mass index andwaist circumference, as well as characteristic correlations between various questionnaireitems and both reductions and increases in carbohydrate intake. 【Conclusion】Ourstudy discloses significant differences in dietary self-management behavior betweenmales and females with type II diabetes. We anticipate that educational support usingfindings of our study can make a significant contribution to improvement in controlindices of type II diabetics.
- 神戸大学医学部の論文
神戸大学医学部 | 論文
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