Measurement of Platelet-derived Microparticle Levels in the Chronic Phase of Cerebral Infarction Using an Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay
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Assessment of platelet function is a critical component of the treatment andsecondary prevention of cerebral infarction, and measurement of platelet-derivedmicroparticle (PDMP) levels using flow cytometry may be a good indicator of plateletfunction. However, the flow cytometric analysis is not feasible in a variety of clinicalsituations. The goal of the present study was to measure PDMP levels using anenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in chronic cerebral infarction patientsand to determine the utility of PDMP level measurement for the monitoring of theeffect of cilostazol and aspirin.A crossover study was performed using 4-weeks of aspirin (100 mg/day) and4-weeks of cilostazol (200 mg/day) in 18 patients. PDMP levels were also measured in 20volunteers as controls. Experiments demonstrated that PDMP levels were significantlyhigher in chronic cerebral infarction patients (median 8.8 U/ml, interquartile range5.1-14.9 U/ml, n=18) than in controls (median 5.5 U/ml, interquartile range 5.0-8.2 U/ml,n=20) (P=0.047). PDMP levels did not decrease after therapy with either aspirin(median 10.9 U/ml, interquartile range 6.2-17.9 U/ml, n=12) or cilostazol (median 9.2U/ml, interquartile range 6.1-14.3 U/ml, n=12) compared with baseline PDMP levels inthe 12 patients who completed this trial (median 11.4 U/ml, interquartile range 5.2-23.7U/ml, n=12). There were no significant differences in PDMP levels between aspirin andcilostazol (P=0.61). In conclusion, PDMP levels as measured by ELISA were increasedin patients with chronic cerebral infarction regardless of the anti-platelet therapy. Thismethodology may be a useful strategy of assessing platelet function in chronic cerebralinfarction patients.
- 神戸大学医学部の論文
- 2008-00-00
神戸大学医学部 | 論文
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