Osteoblast Differentiation and Bone Formation Gene Expression in Strontium-inducing Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cell
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Osteoblastic differentiation from human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSCs) is animportant step of bone formation. We studied the in vitro induction of hMSCs byusing strontium ranelate, a natural trace amount in water, food and human skeleton.The mRNA synthesis of various osteoblast specific genes was assessed by means ofreverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). In the hMSCs culture,strontium ranelate could enhance the induction of hMSCs to differentiate intoosteoblasts. Cbfa1 gene was earlier expressed on day 4 of cell culture (the controlgroup, on day 14) and osteonectin on day 11 (control, on day 21). The early Cbfa1expression indicates that strontium could enhance osteoblastic differentiation. Thedetection of osteonectin using strontium induction indicates the role of strontium inenhancing bone remodeling, bone structure stabilization of hydroxyapatite moleculeand collagen fibril organization. The cultured hMSCs in the presence of strontiumexpressed genes of bone extracellular matrix: collagen type I, bone sialoprotein andosteocalcin on the same days as control (same medium with no strontium).Concentration of strontium ranelate has been recommended to be optimized in between0.2107 - 21.07 μg/ml whereas the high concentration up to 210.7 μg/ml have delayedeffect on osteoblastic differentiation with delayed expression on Cbfa1 and osteonectin,and inhibitory effect on bone sialoprotein expression. In addition, strontium couldhelp cell expansion by maintaining cell proliferation rate of hMSCs and osteoblastlineage. We recommend that the strontium is an important factor for inducingmesenchymal stem cells to differentiate into osteoblasts with further enhancement onbone formation. This model might provide a useful cell source for tissue engineeringand bone repair.
- 神戸大学医学部の論文
神戸大学医学部 | 論文
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