No Evidence of an Association Between Tyrosine Hydroxylase Gene Polymorphisms and Suicide Victims
- 論文の詳細を見る
Functional alternations of noradrenergic and dopaminergic neurotransmission havebeen implicated in suicidal behavior. A tetranucleotide repeat polymorphism in thefirst intron of the tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) gene, encoding a rate-limiting enzyme forthe synthesis of catecholamines, is reported to have the potential to control expressionof the gene and to be associated with suicidal behavior in patients with adjustmentdisorders. To test the hypothesis that TH gene polymorphisms are involved in suicidethrough an alteration of TH function, this tetranucleotide repeat polymorphism and theother two SNPs that cause a change in amino acid sequence were examined in suicidevictims who completed suicide and control subjects. No significant differences ingenotype distribution or allele frequencies were found between the two groups in thethree polymorphisms. These findings suggest that these functional polymorphisms arenot involved in a biological susceptibility to suicide.
- 神戸大学医学部の論文
- 2006-12-00
神戸大学医学部 | 論文
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