小児思春期発症の糖尿病患者における摂食障害の発症要因 : 文献検討と事例からの抽出
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本研究の目的は,小児思春期発症の糖尿病患者における摂食障害発症の要因を,文献検討と事例の面接結果から抽出すること,および糖尿病が摂食障害発症の要因にどのように影響しているかを明らかにすることである。対象文献は,摂食障害の発症の要因に関する和文献24,英文献18であった。また,小児思春期発症の糖尿病に摂食障害を合併した3事例を対象に,家族関係や療養生活について半構成面接を行った。文献検討と事例から抽出した摂食障害発症の要因を,糖尿病のない摂食障害患者と,糖尿病に摂食障害を合併した患者に分けて分析した。また3事例の面接結果を,Danemanの1型糖尿病と摂食障害の関連モデルを参考に整理し,糖尿病が摂食障害発症の要因にどのように影響しているのかを分析した。その結果,小児思春期発症の糖尿病患者における摂食障害発症の要因には,糖尿病のない摂食障害患者と同様に,家族的要因,個人的要因や自我同一性葛藤やストレスなどが存在した。加えて,小児期発症の糖尿病患者では,食事療法のために摂食障害発症以前から家族が食事に過剰な関心を向ける傾向がみられた。家族の食への集中は,摂食障害の中核をなす認知の歪みだけでなく,家族要因やストレスにも影響を与えていた。摂食障害発症の要因は,糖尿病の発症時期や病型により特徴がみられ,思春期発症の患者では疾患の受容に伴う自我同一性葛藤が大きく,乳児期発症の患者では親が過保護となり患者の人格発達が未熟であった。また,2型糖尿病患者では糖尿病発症による食事の制約感が大きかった。糖尿病患者が摂食障害を発症すると,体重コントロールのためのインスリン注射の省略が行なわれ,血糖コントロールの悪化,親の批The objective of this study was to extract factors involved in the development of eating disorders in patients with diabetes that developed in childhood and adolescence from a literature review and interviews with patients, and clarify the influence of diabetes on the development of eating disorders. The literature investigated comprised 24 Japanese and 18 English reports concerning factors involved in the development of eating disorders. In addition, a semi-constructive interview about family relations and life under medical treatment was performed in 3 patients with diabetes that developed in childhood and adolescence complicated by eating disorders. The factors involved in the development of eating disorders extracted from the literature review and interviews were divided into those in eating disorder patients with and without diabetes. The results of interviewing 3 patients were organized referring to Daneman's model of association between type I diabetes and eating disorders, and the influence of diabetes on the factors involved in the development of eating disorders was analyzed. Family and personal factors, conflict with ego identity, and stress were noted in eating disorder patients with diabetes that developed in childhood and adolescence, as in eating disorder patients without diabetes. In addition, their families tended to pay excess attention to diet since before the onset of eating disorders because of dietary therapy in patients with diabetes that developed in childhood. Excess attention of the family to diet not only distorted cognition, which is the core of eating disorders, but also affected the family factors and stress. Diabetic patients with eating disorders did not perform insulin injection to control body weight, which caused a vicious cycle of aggravated blood glucose control, promotion of parents' critical attitude in bringing up the patients, and reduction of self-evaluation. The characteristics of the development of eating disorders depended on the onset time and disease type of diabetes
- 2006-12-30
論文 | ランダム
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