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本研究は,慢性病下降期を生きる人々のセルフケアの意味に着目して支援する看護援助を,セルフケアの意味と援助方法,ならびに援助を通して見出されるセルフケアの意味と援助方法の関係から明らかにすることを目的とした。徐々に身体状態が悪化し,入退院を繰り返すか病状が改善せず長期入院となっている慢性病下降期にある12名の面接記録と,援助指針に基づき2〜4ヶ月間看護援助を行った5名の看護援助の実践記録をデータとした。セルフケアの意味とセルフケアの意味にかかわる援助方法を質的帰納的に分析し,9つのセルフケアの意味と7つの援助方法の関係をみた。その結果,援助を通して見出されるセルフケアの意味は,【身体を感覚する】性質を基本として,【身体を了解する】ならびに【生きる価値が意味づけられる】性質が【生き方が明確になる】性質に関連しながら見出されていくものとして関係づけられた。これは《自己表現を保障・明確化する援助》と《身体機能を安定させる援助》《身体を安寧に整える援助》を基本に,セルフケアの意味の深まりに応じて《ありたい方向を支える援助》《支援する存在を示す援助》《選択する機会を提供する援助》《意味に問いかけ応答する援助》を行うことを通して見出されるものとして示された。The objective of this study was to examine nursing care focusing particularly on a meaning of self-care of individuals in order to provide the support necessary for patients with chronic illness during the stage of downward to achieve their desired quality of life. Interview records of twelve patients and reports of five cases of two- to four-month nursing provided by a researcher as primary nurse based on the nursing guidelines were studied. Quantitative and inductive approaches were employed to analyze the meaning of self-care and its relationship to nursing practices. The relationship between nine variations involving the meaning of self-care and seven factors of nursing practice were examined. The results revealed the meaning of self-care consists of several variations: "to sense the physical condition" as a fundamental component, "to accept the physical condition" and "to create a life worth living" associated with "to find one's way in life" as a core component. The meaning of self-care were found through the two key factors of nursing care which were defined as" to ensure and clarify self-expression" and "to stabilize physical function", and the other five nursing practices should be provided in accordance with the varied meaning of self-care.
- 2006-12-30
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