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本研究の目的は,乳房温存療法をうける乳がん患者の術後1年間の心理的変化を明らかにし,心理的適応を促進する看護援助方法を提示することである。研究協力に同意の得られた乳房温存療法をうける乳がん患者10名を対象に,文献から考案した乳房温存療法をうける乳がん患者の心理的適応を促進すると考えられる看護援助を,患者の入院時から術後1年まで適用し,得られたデータの質的帰納的分析及び統計学的分析により,以下の結論を得た。1.乳房温存療法をうける乳がん患者の心理状態は,乳癌の罹患や乳房温存療法に関連した49の事柄により,苦悩あるいは安寧のどちらか一方または両方が引き起こされ,そのうち苦悩は時間の経過とともに安寧に変化した。2.乳房温存療法をうける乳がん患者の心理状態は,術前が最も気分・感情の安定さを欠き,術後1ケ月にかけて改善し,術後3ケ月に再び増悪し,その後改善した。術後1ケ月,術後6ケ月,術後1年の心理状態は,術前の心理状態と比べて有意に改善した(p<0.05)。3.乳房温存療法をうける乳がん患者の心理的適応を促進するためには,放射線治療終了前後に患者が新たな目標を見いだし,変化に対する心の準備ができるよう支援する必要がある。また,温存された乳房に対して相反する気持ちが存在することの理解と支援,心理的苦悩を引き起こす放射線治療関連事項への精通と支援,及び,術式選択への支援が重要である。さらに,これらの支援の遂行には,乳房温存療法を単に乳房切除術の縮小と捉え,乳房温存療法をうける患者の苦悩を乳房切除術をうける患者の苦悩の中に埋没させてしまう医療者の意識を変革することが不可欠である。The purpose of this study was to find the psychological changes which take place over the course of one year post-surgery and to determine nursing care facilitated the psychological adjustment in breast cancer patients who received breast conservative therapy (BCT). Subjects were 10 female breast cancer patients who were scheduled to have BCT. Date were obtained from the patients during the period of admission until 1 year after surgery, while continuously received nursing care derived from the literature on the assumption that it could facilitate the psychological adjustment of breast cancer patients scheduled to have BCT. Qualitative inductive analysis and statistical analysis of these data provided the following results: 1) Feeling of distress and/or feeling of relief were inducted in breast cancer patients undergoing BCT as psychological states in association with 49 items related to breast cancer or BCT. Feeling of distress gradually changed to feeling of relief over time. 2) The psychological distress was most severe before surgery, and the state changed better thereafter. But at 3 months after surgery the state worsened, and then improved again. Psychological states at 1, 6, and 12 months after surgery were all significantly better than the preoperative state (p<0.05). 3) Nursing intervention around the end of radiotherapy, understanding and support of patients' directly-opposed feelings for the residual breast, familiarity with and support for psychological distress related to radiotherapy, and support for patients' decision making for a surgical method were important to facilitate the psychological adjustment of breast cancer patients scheduled to have BCT.
- 2002-06-30
論文 | ランダム
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