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本研究の目的は,在宅療養者とその家族が療養者の主体性を維持して在宅療養生活に取り組むことを支援する,訪問看護師による看護援助の構造を明らかにすることである。介護保険制度による訪問看護サービスを利用している在宅療養者と介護を担う家族を対象事例とし,在宅療養者の主体性維持にかかわる要素をアセスメント視点とした訪問看護援助を3〜8ケ月継続して行ない,その全過程をデータとした。分析は,質的事例分析で,事例ごとに看護援助の影響を含む在宅療養者の主体性維持の状況を整理し,その状況をもたらした援助を取り出し,整理した状況への位置付けを検討して意味を読みとり,分類,命名し,さらに,援助同士の関係を吟味し,看護援助の構造を求めた。訪問看護師は,療養者の人との関係の持ち方を含めて援助対象を理解していることから,【家族による介護継続のための支援】を含む【療養者の介護に関わる人との関係保持への支援】をする中で在宅療養者の主体性を維持して行なう看護援助は成り立つものであった。そしてその中で,【療養者による自己の状態に関する評価の側面を拡大する支援】と【家族介護者による療養者の状態に関する理解の側面を拡大する支援】を援助の構造上基盤として行ない,両者の意向を一致させることが療養者の主体性を維持するためには必要不可欠であった。しかし,この2つの援助は療養者及び家族介護者の意欲を損なう可能性を含んでおり,基盤となる援助に療養者の意欲を支える【療養生活に対する前向きな気持ちの保持への支援】を必ず重ねて行なう構造となることが導かれた。The purpose of this study is to clarify the structure of nursing care by nurses making home visits to support a home health care system which maintains the autonomy of health care patients and their families. The subjects of the study were home care patients and their families availing themselves of home-visit nursing services under a nursing-care insurance system. The subjects had agreed to having researchers accompanied by home-visit nurses visit the home of the family where the patient was being cared for. Nursing care was conducted on 3 patients following assessment points established on the basis of factors relating to maintaining the autonomy of home care patients. Data was collected for the entire process and subjected to qualitative case analysis. The conditions essential for maintaining the autonomy of the home care patient, including the effects of nursing care, were consolidated for each case. Nursing care that created such conditions was extracted, ranked, interpreted, classified and named. Furthermore, the cases where the conditions for maintaining autonomy were given were compared and examined, and based on the outcome, a structure for nursing care that maintains the autonomy of home care patients was established. According to the above findings, to maintain the autonomy of home care patients, nursing care should "support the patient in better evaluating his/her own condition" and "support the family caring for the patient in better understanding the patient's condition", while "helping to maintaining the relationship between patient and care givers" and "helping the family to continue in their resolve to care for the patient". In addition, the above should always be accompanied by the ethical aspect of "supporting the patient in maintaining a positive outlook".
- 2002-06-30
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