入院している小児がんの子どもへの腰椎穿刺・骨髄穿刺に関する説明 : 看護婦への質問紙調査をもとに
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入院している小児がんの子どもは,診断や治療の過程で髄注や腰椎穿刺などの痛みを伴う処置をくり返し受けなければならない。日本では,処置や治療に関する説明は主に,医師によって行われている。しかし,処置への準備を促す意味での情報提供においては,看護婦が担う役割も大きいと考える。そこで,本研究では,看護婦の子どもへの処置の情報提供に関する認識について調査した。対象はC県内の小児がんの子どもの治療を行っている5施設,計108人の看護婦であり,データ収集は,自作の質問紙を用いて調査を行った。質問内容は,子どもに処置の日程を伝える看護婦の姿勢や,子どもに処置の日程を伝える時期,日程以外で事前に子どもと話をする事柄などに関するものであった。子どもに処置の日程や内容を事前に伝えるか伝えないかを決定する際に,最も多くの看護婦が基準としていたのは,子どもの年齢であった。半数以上の看護婦が,積極的に子どもに処置があることを伝えたり,処置の内容について子どもと事前に話をし,子どもがより良い状態で処置に向かえるように援助していた。子どもの処置への準備を促す為に,入院時から子どもと処置に関して話す機会を作っていく必要があると思われる。Diagnostic and treatment procedures for children with cancer are often invasive and painful. Their doctors tell about procedural schedules and in detail children hospitalized with cancer. Nurses can also play an important role in providing preparatory information. The purpose of this study was to examine nurses' perceptions on giving preparatory information about invasive and painful procedures to children hospitalized with cancer. The subjects were 108 pediatric nurses. Self-report questionnaires developed by this investigator were used to collect data, and these were mailed to nurses. The return rate was 89.8%(n=97). The timing when nurses told children about procedural schedules was grouped into four periods: (1) the day when the doctor decided the procedural schedule; (2) the day before; (3) the morning of the day of the procedure; and (4) just before the procedure itself. They referred to children's age, level of understanding, personality, emotional state, and their responses to the painful procedures before, the parents' opinions. Besides providing information on the procedural schedule, over 80% of nurses gave children information about their physical position during the procedure, about lying down and not raising their heads after procedure, and about what actions they could take and which they couldn't take during the procedure. The contents of the information all had influence on the degree of success of procedures and alleviation of children's pain. Nurses considered both advantages and disadvantages for children of providing varied information on painful procedures. In addition, many nurses actively provided preparatory information about invasive and painful procedures for the peace of mind of children. It is necessary that nurses discuss with children about these procedures, so those children may prepare for such invasive and painful procedures.
- 2001-06-30
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