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本研究の目的は,採血に対する小児の反応・行動と小児の個人的要因(年齢,発達段階,過去の痛み経験),状況的要因(母親のかかわり,医療者のかかわり,処置の状況)及び小児の痛み経験に対する母親の認識の関連を知ることであった。外来受診中の2歳から6歳までの就学前幼児とその母親28事例を対象として,母親に対する小児の痛み経験に関する質問紙調査と,のべ33の採血場面における小児の行動観察を実施した。33の採血場面を小児の行動特徴から3群に分類し,各群の個人的要因,状況的要因及び母親の認識の特徴について比較分析を行った結果,以下のことが明らかになった。小児の発達段階や過去の痛み経験は,小児が採血を予測,評価し,その侵入的な痛みや不安に対する対処行動を決定する上で重要な要因であった。年長幼児の多くは,採血に対して主体的な参加行動を示し,個別性が高く多様な対処行動をとっていたが,不安や恐怖が強い小児では,処置中に示す言語的・非言語的行動が限られていた。また小児の痛み経験に対する母親の認識は,採血に対する小児の反応や行動と相互に影響を及ぼし合っており,特に採血に対する不安や恐怖が強い小児に対しては,母子双方への看護援助の必要性が示唆された。The purpose of this study was to identify relationships among children's coping behaviors to a venipuncture, mothers' perceptions of their children's pain experiences, children's personal factors and situational factors. At a pediatric out-patient unit, a questionnaire about child's pain experience was administered to 26 mothers with 2 to 6 year-old child, and 33 venipunctures with 28 children were observed. Results of this study were as follows: 1) Developmental level and previous pain experience of young children were the important influencing factors on the children's appraisal of a venipuncture. Children could appraise a venipuncture and tried to cope with intrusive pain and fears. 2) 4 to 6 year-old children who participated in a venipuncture with independent attitude to meet their mother's expectation could take behavioral and cognitive coping strategies during the whole process of a venipuncture. Also they attained satisfaction and mastery from mother's support to their efforts. 3) Children with much fears could take few coping strategies during the whole process of a venipuncture, and their mothers also had much fears and were not able to provide effective support to their child.
- 1998-12-30
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