出産経験のとらえ方が自尊感情に及ぼす影響 : 産婦への看護者の関わりからみて
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本研究の目的は,産婦への看護者の関わりと出産経験のとらえ方を明らかにし,それによって自尊感情の変化をみていくことである。対象は,研究参加の同意の得られた20歳以上35歳未満であり産科学的異常や重症な疾患のない正期産で経腟分娩した初産婦11名であった。入院時・出産後にRosenbergのSELF-ESTEEM尺度の日本語版を用いて自尊感情をみた。出産経験のとらえ方は,17項目の出産経験のとらえ方のスケールを作成し評価した。また,分娩時の産婦への看護者の関わりは,観察シートを用いた非参加観察法を行った。出産後に産婦と半構成的面接調査を行った。分析の結果以下のことが明らかになった。(1)看護者が産婦の側に長くいることが必ずしも出産経験のとらえ方が肯定的になることにはつながらず,どのような関わりをもつのかが重要であった。(2)看護者の産婦への関わりが直接ケアが多い場合は,出産経験のとらえ方が肯定的であり,看護者の関わりが診察が多い場合は出産経験のとらえ方が否定的であり,出産後自尊感情は低くなった。(3)看護者の共感的な発言があると出産の期待より実際の出産の方が好ましく,出産経験のとらえ方が肯定的であり,出産後自尊感情は高くなった。This paper has two purposes: the first is to make it clear how the relation between women in labor and nurses affect the former's perception of birth experience, and the second is to study the effect of the perception on their self-esteem. The subjects of this investigation are 11 primiparae that the informed consent have been got. They are 20 to 34 years old and have got full term, vaginal delivery without any medical or obstetrical abnormalities. They are given the test of self-esteem with Rosenberg's criterion of self-esteem in Japanese both at their admission to hospital and after their deliveries. Their perception of birth experience is measured by 17-item scale. The data concerning the relation between women in labor and nurses are obtained by non-participant observation with observation sheets in delivery rooms. Semi structured interviews are given to women in the state of maternity after their deliveries. The analysis of the data shows the following findings: 1) Nurse's long stay beside women in labor dose not always give the latter positive perception of birth experience. It is more important how nurses care for them. 2)When nurse' care of women in labor is direct, the latter's perception of birth experience is positive. However, frequent medical examination of women in labor produce only their negative perception of birth experience. 3) Nurse' sympathetic care makes not only women's perception of birth experience better than they expected but also their self-esteem more positive.
- 1997-12-26
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