Minimal invasive estimation of blood pressure for continuous monitoring
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Photoplethysmographic estimation for blood pressure is proposed for a minimal invasive monitoring. Photoplethysmography was applied for pipe flow in a viscous fluid. The algorism is to estimate systolic and diastolic pressures based on a correlation to photoplethysmographic information, calibrated with the oscillometric pressures. Simultaneous recording with the estimation and the servo-plethysmo- manometry with FinapresR was done for 1 volunteer, and the intra-arterial monitoring was done for the other volunteer. Coefficient of correlation was 0.45 for the systolic pressures between the estimation and FinapresR, and that was 0.56 for the diastolic pressures between them. Coefficient of correlation was 0.90 for the systolic pressures between the estimation and the intra-arterial monitoring, and 0.83 for the diastolic pressures between them. Conclusively, this method might provide us moderate coincidence among the arterial-, digital- and earlobe-blood pressures. The intra-arterial pressure is for an artery, and Riva-Rocci/Korotkoff technique or oscillometric BP are also for the artery just below the cuff applied. This photoplethysmography might estimate integrated hemoglobin dynamics among arteries, veins and capillaries. The different tissues to measure and different modality to sense might make those differences. However, this simple estimation should prepare certain circulatory information for us with minimal risk.
- 2008-02-01
下山 一郎
下山 一郎
吉田 明夫
近藤 針次
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