受験生における志願大学決定の心理的要因の研究(1) : 首都圏私立大学の場合
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Psychological factors are considered to be one of the most critical decision-making criteria when applying for entrance examinations of university admission. A university's attractiveness in bringing more high school graduates could be measured by the number of applicants or by the rate of admission versus the number of applicants. 16 variables are selected as psychological factors which are the university's location, tram lines for commuting, evaluations done by high school teachers, the number of students per teacher, the amount of fees to pay when admitted and so forth.The analyses were made by the multiple regression analysis method and Hayashi's quantification theory method both for multivariate analysis. The multiple correlation coefficient and the partial correlation coefficient of each variable are treated as indices of its effectiveness.The results indicate that most effective are evaluative factors but others such as creating school images are of little importance in university selection.
- 関東学院大学人間環境学部人間環境学会の論文
関東学院大学人間環境学部人間環境学会 | 論文
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