ウェステルマン肺吸虫の抗原分析に関する研究 : 2.成虫分画抗原の免疫反応について
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Experimental studies were conducted to elucidate the nature, development and changes in antibody response against gel filtration of fractionated and metabolic antigens in Paragonimus westermani infection of cat and human being. (1) Somatic antigen of adult worm was resolved into 6 fractions on Sephadex G-200 gel filtration of molecular weight ranging 30,000 to 700,000 daltons. (2) During infection, precipitin reaction was observed mainly against lower molecular weight fractions in Ouchterlony tests and immunoelectrophoresis, while it was against higher molecular weight fractions in immunized rabbit sera. Precipitin arcs were most numerous against fractions No.2, 3 and 4. (3) Metabolic antigen in worm sac behaved similarly to fractions No.4 and 5 in thin layer electrophoresis of polyacrylamide gel and the pattern was also similar in immunoelectrophoresis. (4) Consequently, precipitin against fractions No.3 and 4 were detected in the early stage and the titer reached its peak around 12-14 weeks of infection. Reaction to fraction No.4 was most numerous (100%) followed by fraction No.3 (88%) and No.5 (82%). Precipitin against fractions No.1 and 6 appeared in the late stage of infection.
- 1979-08-31
論文 | ランダム
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