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1985年2月-8月にフィリピン熱帯医学研究所,及びサン・ラサロ病院において,入院コレラ患者から分離された42株と18株,計60株のVibrio choleraeの性状について検査を行った.血清型では,58株が小川型,1株が稲葉型で,小川型が優勢であり残る1株はNAGビブリオであった.ポリミキシンB,ファージIVに対してはNAGも含めすべて耐性,ニワトリ赤血球凝集反応,VP反応はすべて陽性であり,ヒツジ赤血球溶血能試験は培養時間によって異なった成績ながらも溶血能を証明でき,すべてをエルトール型菌と判定した.プロファージ型の決定では,kファージの検出,及び同感受性の試験を行い,セレベス原型が89%と主体を占め,残りはcured typeであり,古典ウボール型はなかった.vibriostatic agentであるO/129に対してはすべての株が感受性を示した.近年,タンザニア・ケニアなどアフリカや,バングラデシュで分離されるコレラ菌のTC耐性化,及び多剤耐性化が重大な問題となってきているが,今回の薬剤感受性試験では,TCには高感受性を保有しており,また多剤耐性株も検出されなかった.Sixty strains of Vibrio cholerae isolated from the Philippines in 1985 were examined for their biological properties and sensitivity to eight kinds of antimicrobial agent. By the serotyping, 58 strains (96.6%) and one strain (1.6%) were Ogawa and Inaba-type respectivery, but one strain (1.6%) was not agglutinated by diagnostic antiserum. This strain was identified as non Ol (NAG) vibrio supported by necessary biochemical characters. For the biotyping, 59 strains of V. cholerae Ol were resistant to phage IV and polymixin B, and positive for chicken red blood cell agglutination and VP reaction. And all strains showed hemolytic activity to the sheep red blood cell using Zinnaka's modified method. Therefore, these strains belong to biovar eltor. In prophage typing, 53 strains (89.8%) were Celebes-original type and remaining six were Celebes-cured type. Regarding the sensitivity test to drugs, chloramphenicol, tetracycline and nalidixic acid were the most effective drugs and the secondary effective drugs were ampicillin and erythromycin. MICs of all strains were below 12.5 mcg/ml for kanamycin and 25 mcg/ml with cephaloridine, but MICs for streptomycin were rather high. Neither tetracycline-resistant V. cholerae, such as Tanzania, Bangladesh and Kenya nor multiple drug resistant V. cholerae was found. In addition to those above, O/129 resistant V. cholerae reported by some researchers was not detected in this investigation.
- 1985-12-28
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