リンパ管造影法の乳糜尿症治療法としての試み (乳糜尿症の淋巴管造影について-1,2-)
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Part 2 Any non-surgical treatment that can yield satisfying results has not yet been established for chyluria. Having noticed that improvements of symptoms or even recovery occurred after LAG, we tried to introduce LAG as a method of treatment for chyluria. We have applied LAG to total 13 cases estimating protein output into urine as an index to its effect. Since we obtained favourable results, we have reported in the present paper. Ten out of 27 cases (37%) showed marked improvement, urine becoming clear and protein-free in one week after the application of LAG. It is such a high rate that the improvement can not be taken as a spontaneous remission. More precisely, tatal 13 cases were checked for 24 hours protein output into urine with a modified Sueyoshi's method to observe the changes before and after LAG. Decrease of protein output was outstanding. Five out of 13 cases became protein-free on the day following LAG. The cases having passed more than 10g protein daily, however, can not be protein-free after only one application of LAG, though urinary symptoms definitely improve. Such cases need another one or two application. In all cases we treated urine became proteinfree after once, twice or a few times of LAG procedures. The machanism of effect of LAG on chyluria is unknown. The cases which recovered immediately after LAG probably indicate the pharmacological effect of iodide contained in the contrast medium and a certain role of oil-droplet of the medium.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所の論文
- 1972-03-00
長崎大学熱帯医学研究所 | 論文
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