Shigella Spectrum in Japan and Surrounding Countries : An Enlarged Review
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A detailed observation of type and subtype distribution within each serogroup of Shigella was made in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Continental China, based principally on the same references as those used in the previous report (Vol.10,No.2 of this journal). Some references have been rejected because of insufficient taxonomic details. Others were adopted as the work by Japanese authors around 1945 and a survey of the etiologic structure of dysentery in the southern most territories of U.S.S.R. In Japan short after the war's end, S. dysenteriae 1 and S. flexneri 2a were the main etiologic agents. Though the former decreased abruptly and for several years is scarcely found, the predominance of the latter continued till 1963. The organism ranking second within the Flexner group during the years until 1957 was 2b, but 3a took this position since 1958 and has been holding top rank since 1964, just when S. sonnei assumed dominance over the entire S. flexneri group. Flexner 2a is the member of the S. flexneri group occurring most frequently in Korea and Taiwan at present. In Continental China, Flexner 2a also had been ranking first within this serogroup in the 1950's, but it appears that some change took effect there around 1960. S. dysenteriae 1 still exists in Korea as well as in Continental China. In Continental China, S. boydii type 4 represents the majority of typable strains in that serogroup. On the other hand, type 1 which is frequent in Japan and ranks first in Korea, indeed is scarce in Continental China.日本,韓国,台湾,中国大陸,北辺について赤痢菌各群内の型や亜型の分布を詳細に観察した.資料は前報(本誌第10巻第2号)のものと大体同じであるが,詳細な分類が行なわれていないものは除外し,その後に知ったものを採用し,終戦前後日本人によってなされた研究を記録に残す意味で加え,さらに最近知ることができたソ聠沿海州や南樺太の資料も引用した.終戦直後日本では志賀菌とフレキシナー2aが最も多かったが,前者は間もなく急激に減少し,現在はほとんど検出できない.後者2aは1963年まで終始首位を保っていたが1964年,あたかも前報で述べたソンネ菌がフレキシナー群を圧倒したその年に3aに首位を譲った.二位は1957年まで2bであったが,その後は上記の3aが躍進した.現在韓国と台湾では2aが首位にある.中国大陸でも1950年代は2aが首位にあったが,1960年前後にかなり形勢の変化があったようである.志賀菌は韓国と中国大陸にまだ存在する.中国大陸ではボイド群4型が型別可能菌中絶対優勢を占め.一方日本では優位に,韓国では首位にある1型が極めて少い.
- 1969-03-31
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