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コガタアカイエカ幼虫を過密度の状態で飼育すると,幼虫の期間は長くなり死亡率は高くなった.期待されたように,蛹化に必要な餌の量は幼虫密度にともなって増加した.しかし,餌1mg当りの蛹の数で表わした効率は,水1ml当りの幼虫数1.0の時に最高となった.成虫の性比は幼虫密度によって変化しなかった.最初に羽化した5個体の雄と雌の翅長は,高密度区で減少したが,最後に羽化した5個体の雄と雌では,密度による変化は見られなかった.始めに羽化した個体は,おくれて羽化した個体よりも長い翅を持っていた.これらの現象は,餌と空間に対する種内競争の影響に帰することができた.過密度で幼虫を飼育した水は幼虫死亡率を増加させる作用のあることがわかった.When reared under crowded conditions, Culex tritaeniorhynchus larvae were found to take longer to develop and exhibited increased mortality. As expected, the amount of food needed to initiate and complete pupation increased with larval density; however, the efficiency of rearing (number of pupae per mg of food) was curvilinear with the optimum density at 1.0 larvae/m1 under the present dietary regimes. The adult sex ratio at emergence did not vary with density. The wing length of the first 5 males and females emerging decreased with increasing density, while those of the last 5 males and females remained unaltered. The wings of the males were consistently shorter than those of the females. Individuals emerging first had longer wings than those taking longer to develop. These phenomena were attributed to the effects of intraspecific competition for food and space. Water conditioned by rearing larvae at crowded densities was found by bioassay to increase mortality without significantly altering the rate of development.
- 1976-12-25
論文 | ランダム
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