1982年タイ国チェンマイ地区における脳炎のウイルス学的疫学的調査. : II.入院患者
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1982年7月17日から8月19日までタイ国チェンマイ地区において179名の入院患者を観察した.患者の臨床診断は脳炎55名,デング出血熱(DHF)77名,不明熱11名,髄膜炎8名,その他および臨床診断名のない患者28名である. DHFの大部分はチェンマイ市において一時期に集中的に見られたのに対し,脳炎患者はチェンマイ県全体に散在性に見られ,その発生時期も調査期間を通じて散発的に認められた.この調査で得られた脳炎およびDHF患者の年令分布はタイ国全体の平均に比べて高年令側に偏していた.A total of 179 hospitalized patients were observed during the study period from July 17 to August 19, 1982, in Chiang Mai Area, Thailand. Their clinical diagnoses were 55 encephalitis, 77 dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), 11 fever of unknown origin, 8 meningitis, and 28 other diseases or without clinical diagnosis. DHF cases were observed mostly in Chiang Mai City and were concentrated in a short period of time, while encephalitis cases were more scattered over Chiang Mai Province and were observed more sporadically during the study period. Age distribution of the observed encephalitis and DHF patients appeared to have a shift toward older age when compared with the average in Thailand.
- 1983-09-30
論文 | ランダム
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