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Geographical distribution of nematoda larva was investigated for 4 years from 1967 to 1970 on 1825 marine fishes of 68 species caught in the sea around Nagasaki, in the East China Sea, and in the South China Sea. The last group was brought back on the Nagasaki-maru, a training ship owned by Nagasaki University School of Fishery, and all others were obtained at the Nagasaki Fish Market. Results of the study were as follows; 1. In regard to the distribution in sea areas, a far greater number and variety of nematoda larva were found in the East China Sea and the South China Sea as compared with the water around Nagasaki. There were found nematoda larvae in 38 fishes of 5 species among 393 of 20 species caught in the sea around Nagasaki, 1 to 10 larvae per fish, 19 of 20 species or 405 of 688 fishes, 1 to 137 larvae in the East China Sea, and 22 of 28 species or 449 of 744 fishes, 1 to 320 per fish in the South China Sea respectively. Parasitic rate was 100 per cent in the following species of fish; Saurida tumbil, Muraenesox cinereus, Argyrosomus argentatus, Decapterus maruadsi, Pseudosciaena crocea in the East China Sea, and Nemipterus virgatus, Lutjanus sebae, Saurida tumbil, Rachycentron canadum in the South China Sea. Amount of the larva per fish was extremely high in Saurida tumbil and Muraenesox cinereus, 85.5 and 65.9 larvae in the averege respectively. 2. The types of nematoda larva discovered were four genuses and 6 species in total; Anisakis sp. (Type I), Contracaecum sp. (Type A, Type B and Type F), Terranova sp. (Type B) and Raphidascaris sp. 3. Anisakis sp. (Type I) has the highest incidence in each sea area, and Contracaecum sp. (Type E) has the second highest incidence in the East china Sea and South China Sea. Although Contracaecum sp. (Type F) has never been described near the Japanese coast, it was found in the South China Sea. Relatively high incidence of Terranova sp. (Type B) was also found in the South China Sea. 4. Species of fish having significantly high incidence of Anisakis sp. (Type I) were; Muraenesox cinereus (100 per cent), Saurida tumbil (100 per cent), Argyrosomus argentatus (100 per cent), Pseudosciaena crocae (100 per cent), Decapterus maruadsi (100 per cent), Zeus japonicus (80.0 pes cent) in the South China Sea, Saurida tumbil (100 per cent), Rachycentron canadum (100 per cent), Nemipterus virgatus (100 per cent), Priacanthus sp. (95.0 per cent), Abalistes stellatus (88.5 per cent), Lutjanus basmira (86.7 per cent), Pristipomoides sieboldi (84.0 per cent), Decapterus maruadsi (82.0 per cent), Megalospis cordyla (80.0 per cent), Epinephelus septemfasciatus (80.0 per cent) caught in the South China Sea. High incidence of Contraceecum sp. (Type E) was found in Argyrosomus argentatus (100 per cent) of the East China Sea, and Nemipterus virgatus (100 per cent) and Priacanthus sp. (75.0 per cent) of the South China Sea. Terranova sp. (Type B) is common in Lutjanus sebae (100 per cent) and Carcarrhinus menisorrah (90.0 per cent). Contracaecum sp. (Type F) was discovered in Saurida tumbil, Pseudorhombus dupliciocellatus and Abalistes stellatus in the South China Sea. 5. There seem to be two courses of migration of the nematoda-susceptible fishes, such as Muraenosox cinereus, Argyrosomus argentatus, Saurida tumbil, Pseudosciaena crocea, Nemipterus virgatus and Lutjanus sebae in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. One runs toward North and South along the coast of China, and the other from shallow sea to deeper sea or toward East. They move, however, within the East China Sea and the South China Sea, where is the main sea area having high incidence of anisakis worm.1967年から1970年までの4ケ年間に長崎に陸揚げされた長崎近海及び東支那海のものと長大水産学部長崎丸の遠洋航海実習で捕獲された南支那海の魚類,合計68種1,825尾についてAnisakidae幼線虫の感染調査とその形態を観察し次のような成績を得た.1)幼線虫の寄生率は近海のものに比べて東支那海及び南支那海の所謂遠洋もので格段に高く,その寄生数及び種類も多い.2)幼線虫はAnisakis sp. (Type I) Contracaecum sp. (Type A, Type E及びType F), Terranova sp. (Type B)及びRaphidascaris sp.の4属6種に分別される.3) Anisakis sp. (Type I)は各海域で最も高い寄生率を示し,東支那海及び南支那海ではContracaecum sp. (Type E)がこれに次いで多い.又Terranova sp. (Type B)が南支那海で比較的高率に検出され,日本近海では未記載のContracaecum sp. (Type F)が南支那海のワニエソ,メガレイ及びオキハギから発見された.4)東支那海及び南支那海で特に重要な魚種としてAnisakis sp. (Type I)ではハモ,イシモチ,ワニエソ,フウセイContracaecum sp. (Type E)ではイシモチ,イトヨリ又Terranova sp. (Type B)ではセンネンダイ等があげられる.その回遊状況をみると概ね大陸沿岸にそって南北に上下するものと,同沿岸の浅所から深所(東西)へ移動する群に分けられる.いづれの場合も東支那海及び南支那海内での回遊にとどまることからこの方面にAnisakidae感染海域が存在することが想象される.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所の論文
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