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膣トリコモナス5株を用い,グリセリンまたは,ジメチル・スルホキサイド(DMSO)の平衡時間及び平衡温度が,凍結保存に及ぼす影響を検討した.方法は-30℃で90分予備凍結後,-75℃で,1~5日間保存後,原虫生存率をしらべた.(1)10%グリセリン添加による,生存率は25℃では,時間の経過に従って,少しずつ高くなった.37℃では,25℃の場合とくらべ,生存率は短い平衡時間(30~60分)で,著しく高くなり,25℃の場合よりも.はるかに高い生存率が得られた.(2)7.5%DMSOの添加では,平衡させなくても70%以上の高い生存率が得られ,25℃及び37℃のいずれの場合も平衡時間を長くするほど生存率が低下し,120分平衡させた場合生存率は20%以下にまで下った.(3)様々の温度条件下で,10%グリセリンまたは,7.5%DMSOを添加した材料を,100分間平衡させた場合,グリセリンでは温度が高いほど生存率が高くなり,0~5℃では,約10%の生存率であったのに対し,37℃では80%に達した.DMSOでは,グリセリンの場合とは反対に,0~25℃では,生存率が50~70%と高く,30~37℃では,生存率は30%近くまで急速に低下した.(4)保護剤の最適濃度は,平衡時間及び温度の変化により,かわり,グリセリンでは25℃,100分平衡では,最適濃度は12.5~15.0%であり,また37℃では,7.5~12.5%であった.DMSOを60分間25℃で平衡させた時の最適濃度は,7.5%であった.(5)この実験を通じて,今まであいまいにされていた,保護剤の添加と,平衡中の温度及び時間と原虫生存率の関係が,詳しく解明されたことを特に強調しておきたい.By using 5 strains of Trichomonas vaginalis, the importance of time and temperature of the equilibration of samples with glycerol or dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was studied prior to the pre-cooling at-30℃ for 90 minutes followed by the preservation at-75℃. The survival rate was calculated after freezing and thawing procedure, because before the freezing there were no remarkable differences in the number of living trichomonads between the samples with or without the 3-hour equilibration with glycerol or DMSO at various temperature. (1) In the presence of 10% glycerol at 25℃, the survival rate of trichomonad increased gradually with the prolonged equilibration time. At 37℃, the survivals markably increased within the shorter equilibration time than that needed at 25℃, and the pooled survival rate of 5 strains became about 50% after the 30-60 minutes equilibration at 37℃ and the survival rate was also conspicuously higher than that at 25℃. (2) In the presence of 7.5% DMSO, the survival rate was highest (more than 70%) without equilibration and then rapidly decreased with duration of the equilibration time at 25℃ or 37℃, and finally the rate reached lower than 20% after 120 minutes. (3) At various temperatures the samples were allowed to equilibrate for 100 minutes in the presence of 10% glycerol or 7.5% DMSO. In the case of glycerol, the survival rate of 5 strains was about 10% at 0-5℃, but about 80% at 37℃. In the case of DMSO, however, the survival rate was highest (50-70%) at 0-25℃, whereas at 30-37℃ the rate rapidly decreased to 30%. (4) The optimum concentration of the additive varied with differences of temperature or time of the equilibration; with glycerol, the optimum was about 12.5-15.0% at 25℃, and about 7.5-12.5% at 37℃ after 100 minutes equilibration; and in the case of DMSO, the optimum was around 7.5% at 25℃ for 60 minutes equilibration.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所,Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki Universityの論文
長崎大学熱帯医学研究所,Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University | 論文
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