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10 cases of the amebiasis ars presented, in which are included one case in Japan and the others in Kenya. According to clinical data and pathological findings these 10 cases would be divided in 4 groups as follows; I Group; diarrhea mixed with bloody-mucus is characteristic and the clinical course is the shortest and almost within 10 days. A wide-spread and severe ulcerative colitis leading to perforation and diffuse peritonitis is characteristic pathologically. II Group; clinical course is a little longer than the first group and there is sometimes no complaining diarrhea. Pathologically a ulcerative colitis is more slightly than the first group or localized only at the beginning segment of the ascending colon and various size of amebic liver abscess can be found simultaneously. III Group; main complaining is abdominal pain without diarrhea and the liver is enlarged. The clinical course is over 20 days, less than 2 months. Pathologically ulcerative colitis can not be found, but a huge amebic abscess is located in the liver. IV Group; the clinical course is the longest, over 3 months and symptoms are most complicated. Pathologically amebic abscess of the liver with its rupture directly into the thorax or hematogenous disseminations to the other organs is characteristic. No amebic lesion is found in the large intestine. From our experiences it is clear that the amebiasis is one of the most important disease which involves not only the large intestine, but the liver, the lung and the other organs.アメーバ症(Amebiasis)は広く世界的に拡がっている疾患であり、熱帯及び亜熱帯地方では日常遭遇する重要な疾患の一つである。幸のことに本邦では比較的稀な疾患である。我々は1971年1月長崎大学熱帯医学研究所で1例、1971年5月より1972年7月迄Kenya, Nakuru市にあるRift Valley Provincial Hospitalで9例、計10例のアメーバ症を解剖する機会を得たのでその多彩な像を示すアメーバ症について病理学的に検討した。
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所,Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki Universityの論文
長崎大学熱帯医学研究所,Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University | 論文
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