Compositonal Analysis of the Oligosaccharide Units of Xyloglucans Isolated from the Cell Walls of Fruit Vegetables
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The oligosaccharide units of xyloglucans from some fruit vegetables were comparativelyanalyzed by enzymatic digestion followed by anion-exchange chromatography withpulsed amperometric detection. The enzymes used were a xyloglucan-specific endo-1, 4P-D- glucanase (xyloglucanase) from Penicillium sp. M 451 and an isoprimeveroseproducingoligoxyloglucan hydrolase from Eupenicillium sp. M9. The oligosaccharide unitsof the polysaccharides were XXXG, XXLG, XLXG, XXFG, XLLG, and XLFG [whereeach (1-4)-p-linked D-glucosyl residue in the backbone is given a one-letter code accordingto its substituents: G, p-D-G1c; X, a-D-Xyl-(l-6)-P-D-G1c; L, p-D-Gal-(l-2)-a-DXyl-(l-6)-P-D-G1c; F, a-L -Fuc-(l-2)-p-D-Gal-(l-2)-a-D-Xyl-(l-6)-P-D-G1c] in anapproximate molar ratio of 36 : 4 : 6 : 31 : 1 : 22 for cucumber, of 37 : 8 : 5 : 30 : 1 : 19 formung bean sprouts, and of 35 : 4 : 7 : 25 : 4 : 25 for pumpkin.
- 弘前大学教育学部の論文
- 1999-03-30
弘前大学教育学部 | 論文
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