- 論文の詳細を見る
1) The pollen assemblage obtained from the Upper Oya Formation consists predominantly of Quercus and subsequently Alnus and Betula. Quercus is composed of a mixture of evergreen and deciduous type. Liquidambar appears very rarely. 2) The pollen group from the Lower Oya Formation consists mainly of Pinus, Tsuga, and Zelkova or Ulmus, and subsequently Taxodiaceae, Larix?, Picea, and Quercus. Fagus is only a few. Liquidambar and Tilia are very rare. 3) The pollen grains of Tsuga from the Lower Oya Formation are mostly smaller size than that of T. Sieboldii and partly T. Sieboldii. 4) Between or upward and downward the horizons of two pollen groups examined in this paper, there is a possibility to be in extence of some different pollen groups.
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