- 論文の詳細を見る
Hibiscus mutabilis L. is originally distributed in central China and often cultivated in Japan as a gardenplant.The naturalized population was investigated at outskirts of Nagasaki City. The shrubs of the species grow along the river and total number of individuals more than I m height was about 100. The Hibiscus mutabilis dominant community was phytosociologically investigated. The community is ruderal and is constantly associated with Debregearia edulis and Arudo donax in shrub layer and Miscanthus sinensis, Solidago altissima and Microlepia strigosa in herb layer. Ten floral characters were measured in five individuals randomly selected: petal length,petal width, style length, anther-stigma distance, anther-anther distance, style lobe length, number of stamens (anthers),number of calycle lobes, calycle lobe width and dry floral weight. The floral variations was little. These facts indicate that this population might originate from a plant accidentally introduced here.
- 長崎県生物学会の論文
長崎県生物学会 | 論文
- 2009年第38回[長崎県生物学会]大会ポスター発表 対馬で発見されたドロアワモチ
- 長与川の魚類相 (長崎県生物学会第31回大会(記録))
- 対馬におけるキリシマミドリシジミの採集記録およびその翅紋に関する一考察
- 南九十九島海岸域で出現した甲殻類(節足動物)と軟体動物
- 佐世保市の小穴干潟に生息する底生生物