- 論文の詳細を見る
A fly grill, a little modified form of Scudder's small one, was used for evaluating housefly control. It is 45cm×45cm and consists of 23 slats (1cm square, 45cm long) nailed 1cm apart on a Z-shaped frame. The practical method for taking count by it is as follows: The grill is placed at the center of fly concentration and the count is made with 30 seconds. In a house, the counts are made at 6 places, 3 indoors and 3 outdoors. The mean of 2 maxima out of 6 counts is considered as the fly index of that house. The mean of 3 maximum indices out of all houses in a certain village containing from about 6 to 15 houses under examination is considered as the fly index of that village. This method of using fly grill has been proved experimentally the most applicable for evaluating housefly control.
- 長崎大学風土病研究所の論文
- 1959-03-23
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