東アフリカにおけるウイルス病、寄生虫病及びそれに伴う媒介昆虫の研究 : III.タンザニア東海岸及びタンガニーカ湖周辺における糸状虫症について
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In 1965 and 1966 again, the authors visited the Republic of Tanzania to make a field survey on various tropical diseases. In the present paper, the authors report the results of their investigation of the incidence of filarial infection among the African natives in three regions of Tanzania. The investigation was made on blood examination for microfilaria and on skin test by intradermal injection of FPT antigen prepared from Dirofilaria immitis. The subjects were 960 inhabitants of Ilagala village and 243 students of Livingstone College at. Kigoma both located on the east shore of Lake Tanganyika, and 210 people of Kiomboni Island, East Coast of Tanzania. Examination for microfiiaria was conducted by taking 30 cmm of blood from the ear lobe through special pipettes. After haemolysis the slides were dried, fixed in spirit and stained by Giemsa solution. The microfilaria of each species was then identified and counted. Some difficulties were met in taking night blood owing to suspicion of the natives. Therefore, blood examination was carried out during daytime when night blood examination was impossible. In the skin test, the antigen solution containing 1.0 gamma of a polypeptide in ca. 0.01 cc was injected, just sufficient to arise a wheal of ca. 3.0 mm in diameter, and the size of the wheal were measured fifteen minutes later. Reaction with 4 mm or more of the wheal was considered as positive. The following microfilaria rates were found for Acanthocheilonema perstans (A) and Wuchereria bancrofti (B); Ilagala 9.3% (A), 0.2% (B), and 0.5% mixed; Livingstone College 1.2% (A), 0.4% (B) and Kiomboni 0% (A), 4.3% (B). A. perstans infection was not demonstrated in Kiomboni Island, while it was predominant in the West Province. Microfilaria rate of A. perstans in Ilagala village gradually increased with age in both sex. The rate was 5.9% among pupils of primary school under 10 years of age, 15.9% among the adult residents, and 31.4% among the age-group over 50 years. Microfilaria density was roughly proportional to their microfilarial rates. The rate of population showing the positive skin reaction was 31.1 to 37.0% in Ilagala village and 31.2% among the student group of Livingstone College, but it was as high as 67.0% in Kiomboni Island where bancroftian filariasis was endemic. In order to evaluate the local variation of distribution of the positive skin reaction, result obtained from students of Livingstone College was analysed by dividing into minute localities with their home village. The rates of positive skin reaction were extremely irregular ranging from 0 to 44%, indicating the regional differences in prevalence of filariasis. A mass survey using skin test on student group would be a valuable measure to know the general picture of prevalence in different localities. To study the behaviour migration of A. perstans microfilaria into the peripheral blood, microfilaria count was made on three volunteers at two hour intervals for 24 hours. The micorfilarial curve from all individuals showed little tendency to periodicity. Differential leucocyte count of 147 pupils of Ilagala primary school revealed various abnormal changes of blood picture, such as eosinophilia (over 11% of total leucocyte count) in 68.0%, monocytosis (over 8.0%) in 16.3% and anaemia including anisocytosis, poikilocytosis and hypochromia. It suggests that malaria and various helminth infection are widely prevailed among the inhabitants.
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