- 論文の詳細を見る
慢性呼吸不全患者のADLにおいて最初に息切れを自覚するのは,階段昇降である.我々は,慢性呼吸不全患者に階段昇降時の腹式呼吸法を指導し,息切れが軽減され階段昇降能力が改善することを体験してきた.その有効性を健常者を対象にして心肺機能から検討した結果,下記の事が得られた. ①腹式呼吸使用時に,peak RRの減少とpeak TVの増加によるpeak VEの減少が認められた. ②呼吸効率VO2/VE (一定の酸素摂取量に必要な換気量)の改善により,換気仕事量が減少した. ③階段昇降時間は有意に延長され,単位時間当りの仕事量が軽減した結果,運動負荷量の指標となるpeak METS,体重当りの酸素摂取量のpeak値は減少した. ④腹式呼吸法の使用は,同じ目的動作における心肺機能の負荷を少なくし,慢性呼吸不全患者のADL改善に有用であることが示唆された.Patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency often first become aware of breathlessness in ADL when ascending and descending stairs. Under our direction, patients gained relief from breathlessness by the use of abdominal breathing and recovered their ability to ascend and descend stairs. The effect of abdominal breathing on cardiopulmonary function was studied. We conclude that: 1) Minute breathing capacity decreases because of the decrease in the respiration rate and the increase in tidal volume during abdominal breathing. 2) The energy needed to breathe decreases because of the improvement in respiration efficiency VO2/VE (the breathing capacity required for constant oxygen uptake). 3) As the time needed to ascend and descend stairs is extended significantly and power per unit time is decreased. The peak METS as an exercise index and the peak oxygen uptake per weight decrease. 4) Abdominal breathing may lower the cardiopulmonary functional load during actions for same purposes. Thus it is useful in ADL directions for patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency.
- 1990-03-31
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- 運動負荷に対する心肺機能の反応-階段昇降における腹式呼吸法の有効性について-
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- 98. 慢性呼吸不全患者の実態調査