Post-Motion Positivity Potentials Accompanying Voluntary, Self-Paced Movements in Man
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著者らは脳電位,筋電位を用いて自発動作後約150msec と320msec に開始する運動後陽性電位の頭皮上分布とそれらの電位の運動制御上の意義を検討することに本研究の目的をおいた.その結果,運動後陽性電位の一つであるP2 電位は,指の動作においては左右の動作とも動作肢と反対側の中心領野で優位を示し,かつ導出部位CZ の中心領野において最大の振幅を示した.しかし,足関節底屈動作におけるP2 電位は同側の中心領野上で優位を示した.さらに,運動後320msec に開始するP3 電位は導出部位PZ 上で優位を示した.また指と足関節動作間を比べてみると,P2 ,P3 電位とも足関節動作において大きな振幅を示した.それゆえ,P2 電位の出現には中枢機構の一部が関与し,P3 電位の出現には末梢からのフィードバック機構が関与していることが推察される.In this study, we examined the scalp distribution of postmotion positivity potentials beginning at about 150 msec. and 320 msec. after a voluntary, self-paced movement as well as their functional significance with respect to motor control. The present results showed that the P2 potentials were preponderant over the central area contralateral to the moving limb in both the right and left finger movement, with the midline-central area showing the maximal amplitude. Moreover, with the ankle movement, the P2 potentials were preponderant over the central area ipsilateral to the moving limb. In addition, the present experiments showed that the P 3 potentials were larger over the midline-parietal area than over the central area. With the amplitudes of P2 and P3 potentials, the present results showed that the values of the P2 and P3 potentials were larger for plantar flexion of ankle than for finger movements. Therefore, it may be concluded that the P2, in part, reflects a central mechanism and the P3 potential reflects the afferent feedback which signals the information of limb position.
- 1989-03-31
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