Immunohistochemical Studies on Sex Steroid Hormones In Sex Cord-Stromal Tumors of the Ovary
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Estradion, progesterone and testosterone were examined immunohistochemically in formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue specimens of 15 sex cord-stromal tumors [6 granulosa cell tumors (GCT), 2 thecomas, 5 fibromas, 1 sclerosing stromal tumor and 1 Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor] or ovary using ABC method. In the granulosa cell tumor, estradiol, progesterone and testosterone were demonstrated in the granulosa cells, Clinical evidence of increased estradiol was found in 4/6 cases (66.7%) of GCT, being consistent with the steroid localization. In the thecomas, progesterone and testosterone were weakly positive in the Iuteinized theca cells, where immunoreactivity of estradiol was not observed. Progesterone and testosterone were weakly positive in the vacuolated and polygonal tumor cells but not the fibroblastic cells of sclerosing stromal tumor. Estradiol was weakly and testosterone were weakly or moderately positive in both the Sertoli and Leydig cells of Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor. The patient had clinical evidences of increased androgen production, manifested by virilization and increased serum hormone level of androgens. No hormone immunoreactivity was observed in any of the fibromas. From the results of this study it may be concluded that specific types of hormonally active cells i these ovarian tumors can produce estradiol, progesterone and testosterone, except fibroma.
- 1993-01-14
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