Viscoelastic and light scattering studies on thermally induced sol to gel phase transition in fish myosin solutions
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Viscoelastic (VE) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) analyses of fish (white croaker) myosin solutions were performed at myosin concentrations of 30mg/ml for VE and 0.1mg/ml for DLS at 0.6 MKCl and pH 7.0 to clarify thermally induced gelation. The hydrodynamic radius Rh considerably decreased around 30-35oC. The shear modulus G was constant below 25oC and increased by incubating the sample at 30oC. G further increased as the temperature of the incubated sample decreased. The curves of G vs. T for different time courses showed a sharp peak around 35oC and a moderate peak around 60oC in the heating process, while a stepwise increase in G was observed around 30oC in the cooling process when the temperature was elevated to not more than 60oC. No distinct stepwise change was observed once the temperature of the sample exceeded 60oC. The absolute value of G strongly depended on the maximum elevated temperature and the incubation time at that temperature. The corresponding behavior of the viscosity h was observed for each time course. Based on these results, the mechanism of thermally induced gelation of myosin solutions is discussed in view of S-S bridge formation in the head and tail portions and unwinding/rewinding of coiled-coil a-helices in the tail portion.
- Wileyの論文
- 2003-08-00
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