注意制御課題実施時の前頭前野領域における血中ヘモグロビン濃度の変化 - 仮名拾いテストを用いた検討 -
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We examined using NIRS (near-infrared spectroscopy) imaging, the activation of the prefrontal lobe while accomplishing an task requiring attention control. 'Kanahiroi' multi cancellation test was chosen as the task requiring attention control, and we analyzed the activation pattern of the prefrontal lobe during accomplishing the task. We also examined the effect of the instruction to review the task. The subjects were eight volunteers without disability (3 males, 5 females), whose average age was 22.75±4.40. The NIRS device used was the multichannel device OMM300, manufactured by Shimazu Corporation. The group who made no errors in 'kanahiroi' test, and also correctly reviewed the task, showed two phases of changes during accomplishing and reviewing the task. Both basal domain (OFC, OrbitoFrontal cortex), and DLPFC (DorsoLateral PreFrontal Cortex) domain were activated. In the group who made errors while accomplishing the task, but could correct them by reviewing, no activation was seen when accomplishing the task, but after the instruction to review the task, OFC and DLPFC were activated. On the other hand, in the group who made errors and could not correct them by reviewing, OFC was activated, but the activation of DLPFC was not seen. From this study, we conclude that in order to activate the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex, we need to choose tasks which requires apportioning of attention, and also to frequently give instructions requiring accuracy during the task. Also, it can be said that pointing out errors after the task helps to activate the Orbitofrontal Cortex.
- 注意制御課題実施時の前頭前野領域における血中ヘモグロビン濃度の変化 - 仮名拾いテストを用いた検討 -
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