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The present study focused on maternal mind-mindedness (MM), that is, the tendencyto treat an infant as an individual with a mind. The individual differences in maternalMM were measured when their infants were six-month-old. Three months after themeasurement of MM, the effects of MM to maternal behaviors to nine-month-old infantswere investigated (N=38). The result suggested that mothers who had high MMcommented more on the infants; mental state in there interactions. However, anyrelations were not found among MM and maternal behaviors to share attention withinfants. Secondly, nine-month-old infants' development of joint attention were assessed.It is shown that the content of MM, but not the frequency of MM, related to infants'abilities to follow the experimenter1s pointing. The infants whose mother often readcognitive and some other internal states from infants showed higher joint attentionabilities than infants whose mothers tended to focus on infants' feeling and desire. Idiscussed effects of MM on children's development of mind understanding via dailymother-infant interactions.
- 2008-03-31
論文 | ランダム
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