アラン・ブルームのみる学生の「寛大」と「無関心」 : 「コミットメント」から「***ス」へ
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A prevalent and important problem existed regarding the students indifference to learn at the universities. Allan Bloom discussed this problem in The Closing of the American Mind in 1987. Focused on his ideas, we studied this problem. He found that the indifference of his students was caused by two things. On the one hand, they had lost their standard to interpret things, for the power of convention had declined. Therefore they needed to try to create values themselves to be committed. On the other hand, they were inclined to be open to every value, lifestyle, and culture. Bloom pointed out that it had been the only moral postulate that they had believed in. They tended to refuse to judge the values of others. Bloom saw the idea of relativism in their attitudes. He thought that both the causes were the obstacles in their quest for knowledge and certitude. He discussed the relation between this problem and the falling of Eros, which could compel a student to long for perfection. We will see the background of the indifference of the students as the falling of Eros in the present day.
- 2008-03-31
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