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本研究の目的は,母親の養育態度における潜在的虐待リスクスクリーニング質問紙を作成して,その信頼性と妥当性の検討である.児童虐待予防と育児支援の視点から,適切な養育態度で子どものwell-beingへのリスクがない母親と不適切な養育態度の母親をスクリーニングするために補助的に活用する尺度を作成した.不適切な養育態度を直接尋ねる質問項目では,回答者への心理的な抵抗や虚偽の回答の高さにつながる可能性を考慮して質問文を肯定的な養育態度に変えて自記式の5件法の質問紙を作成した.3-6歳の幼稚園児母親407名(平均34.66歳SD=3.82)および主養育者である祖母3名(50-56歳)を含む410名(平均年齢34.81歳 SD=4.19)からの回答を因子分析した.その結果,15項目からなる3因子が抽出された.第1因子「力に頼らない態度」第2因子「自己肯定感を育む態度」第3因子「自己抑制を教える態度」とした.質問項目全体のα係数は0.8018で,各因子のアルファ係数は,第1因子0.7989,第2因子0.7174,第3因子0.8061で内的整合性があった.これら3つの因子は,身体的・心理的虐待と関連していた.質問紙はさらに検討する必要があるが,養育態度の潜在的身体的・心理的虐待リスクをスクリーニングする補助的な尺度として活用できると考えられた.The purpose of this study is to examine the reliability and validity of questions given to mothers about parental attitudes which signal an underlying risk of abuse. From viewpoint of child abuse prevention and child care support, I developed an auxiliary questionnaire aimed at screening mothers whose parental attitudes directly might give rise to psychological resistance and false answers, so the questions were positively worded to measure the appropriateness of responds' attitudes on a scale of 1 though 5. Results from 407 mothes(mean=34.81, SD=4.19) and three main caregivers (range50-56) who have 3-6 yearoldkindergarteners(mean=34.66, SD=3.82) were analyzed. From 15 items, a factors. 1. “Rearing attitudes that do not depend on power" 2. “ Rearing attitudes which engender a feeling of self= esteem" 3. “ Rearing attitudes which teach control of desire". The overall internal consistency of items, as reflected in Crobach's α, was 0.8018. For factors 1, 2 and 3 the values ofα were 0.7989, 0.7174 and 0.8061, respectively. The questionnaire items based on these 3 factors measure the risk of abuse. Though they do not correspond directly with the classification of abuse, the questionnaire items based on these 3 factors. Related to physical abuse and psychological abuse could be used as an auxiliary questionnaire to measure parental attitudes showing a maltreatment potential.
- 2003-11-28
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