Proposals for the Future Development of Peace Education in Hiroshima City - Based on a Comparative Analysis of the Peace Education Curricula of Hiroshima and Dresden 【Article】
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Every year students in schools in Hiroshima City study a unique Peace Education curriculum thatcame about as a direct result of the unique historical experience of the city. During the Second WorldWar, the city of Dresden in Germany suffered similar levels of destruction to Hiroshima. Due to the factthat the two cities endured similar historical experiences in this respect and also have other significantfactors in common, an investigation was carried out to compare and contrast their respective PeaceEducation curricula.Despite the fact that it was ascertained at an early stage that no directly comparable subject to thatexisting in Hiroshima was being taught in schools in Dresden, the investigation did identify severalareas of commonality between the cases, including a strong commitment at both the city governmentand popular level towards issues relating to peace and international understanding. Furthermore, it alsorevealed areas where aspects of the teaching of the subjects of History and Political Science in Dresdenschools could provide valuable suggestions for the future development of Peace Education in Hiroshimasince the Japanese city has been contending with a complex political controversy over the subject formore than two decades...
- 広島大学国際協力研究科の論文
広島大学国際協力研究科 | 論文
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