男性同性愛者に対するカウンセラーのクリニカル・バイアスとジェンダー関連要因との関係 : 実験法によるカウンセラー反応の検討
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This study investigated whether counselors exhibited a clinical bias against gay men by examining counselors' clinical judgments and attitudes regarding male clients, as well as counselor variables such as homophobia. Counselors (n = 98) in graduate schools watched a videotape of a male client actor in one of two conditions (homosexual or heterosexual) and rated the client on several clinical dimensions by completing a questionnaire. Then the counselors' homophobia was measured using a separate scale. The results showed that counselors' homophobia had a significant effect on the clinical bias against gay men. Moreover, the counselors' gender also had a significant effect on this bias. Homophobic counselors and male counselors showed more negative attitudes toward homosexual clients. However, in certain dependent variables, counselors showed more negative attitudes toward homosexual clients regardless of the counselors' homophobia or gender. The effectiveness of the method used this study and its limitations are discussed.
- 2007-03-28
論文 | ランダム
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