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The morphological changes of uterine and oviductal mucosae after successive administrations of charcoal-treated porcine follicular fluid (CTPFF) in rabbits were examined. In Experiment 1, mucus secretion in uteri of four does which were injected with 4 ml of CTPFF 10 times at 12-hour-intervals was not so active as that of controls (three does). In Experiment 2, thirteen does were injected with 4ml of CTPFF in the same manner as in Experiment l, and were divided into 4 groups according to the number of hours --- 0 (5 does, group 0F), 12 (4 does, group 12), 36 (2 does, group 36) and 96 (2 does, group 96) hours, respectively --- from the final injection of CTPFF to human chorionic gonadotropin injection. The proliferation of uterine mucosa in does of groups 0F, 36 and 96 was repressed in comparison with that in the control group. The numbers of mitoses in the glandular epithelium of groups 12, 36 and 96 were significantly lower (p <0.01) than those of groups 0F and 0S. The ratio of ciliated cells in the mucosal surface epithelium of group 0F was significantly higher (p < 0.01) than in groups 0S and 12. In Experiments 1 and 2, swelling of epithelia1 cells and production and release of mucus in the ampulla were slightly repressed in does of treatment groups. It seems that administration of CTPFF represses the proliferation of endometrium indirectly through the ovary, but the effect of CTPFF on the oviduct is slight.活性炭で処理した豚卵胞液(CTPFF)を家兎に投与し、投与終了時より時間を追ってhCG処理による排卵を誘起し、それが子宮及び卵管の粘膜組織に及ぼす影響について観察した。1. CTPFFを4mℓずつ12時間おきに授与し、その直後に開腹して得られた子宮及び卵管を組織学的に検討したところ、粘液の分泌が子宮で抑制されており、また卵管膨大部にもその傾向が見られた。2. 前項1と同様にCTPFFを投与し、投与終了直後(0F-区)、12時間後(12-区)、36時間後(36-区)、96時間後(96-区)、にhCG15IUを静注し、4日目に開腹して得られた子宮及び卵管を組織学的に観察した。子宮では、0F-区 36-区、96-区、で内膜の分岐、腺の発達が対照区(生理的食塩水投与直後に、hCGを授与し4日目に開腹:0S区)より劣っていた。12-区、36-区、96-区の子宮腺上皮での細胞分裂数が0F-区区、0S-区と比較して有意に少なかった。0F-区の子宮粘膜襞の表面上皮における線毛細胞数は0S-区のものほど減少しておらず、0S-区との間には有意差が認められた。また卵管は0F-区で膨大部の粘液分泌が僅かに抑制されていた。以上の結果からCTPFF投与は、排卵前の子宮粘液の分泌、排卵後の子宮内膜の増殖を抑制し、その効果は投与終了96時間後でも認められ、また卵管への影響はあまりなく、子宮への影響は卵巣機能の低下による間接的影響によるものと判断された。
- 広島大学生物生産学部の論文
- 1988-07-00
広島大学生物生産学部 | 論文
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