Histological Changes in Rabbit Ovaries during Estrous and Post-Ovulatory Phases after Successive Administrations of Charcoal-Treated Porcine Follicular Fluid
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Mature rabbits were investigated to examine the changes in ovarian histology after successive administrations of charcoal-treated porcine follicular fluid (CTPFF).In experiment 1, treatment groups were injected with CTPFF 10 times at 12-hour intervals. Control group received saline in the same manner as the treatment group. In experiment 2, four groups were injected with CTPFF in the same manner as in experiment 1, and each group received hCG 0 (simultaneously with final injection of CTPFF), 12, 36 and 96 hours after the final injection of CTPFF, respectively. One group received saline and hCG simultaneously with the final injection of saline. All does were laparotomized 4 days after hCG injection.In ovaries of does which had received CTPFF treatment, the mean ratio of number of healthy large antral follicles to total number of all large antral follicles (H/T) was significantly lower than in controls.In ovaries of does which received hCG simultanuously with the final injection of CTPFF (experiment 2), the H/T was lower than that of any other groups, and was significantly lower than the H/T in groups which received hCG 12, 36, and 96 hours after the final administration of CTPFF. Interstitial cells with cytoplasmic vacuolation were found in all ovulated does to some degree. However, degeneration and destruction of interstitial cells were markedly prominent only in does receiving hCG simultanously with the final administration of CTPFF (Group 0F). No vacuolation in interstitial cells was evident in non-ovulatory does. I11 does receiving hCG simultanously with or 12 and 36 hours after CTPFF treatment, number of luteal cells was significantly fewer than in controls. In does which received hCG simultanously with or 12 hours after CTPFF treatment, fibroblast-like cells appeared frequently among luteal tissues.These results indicate that successive administrations of CTPFF give rise to defects in ovarian morphology directly or indirectly in rabbits. It is suggested that these suppressive effects have been restored within 36 hours after the final injection of CTPFF.活性炭で処理した豚卵胞液(CTPFF)の投与後からの時間経過に伴ってhCGを投与し、その時間経過が家兎の卵巣組織に及ぼす影響について検討した1. CTPFFを4mℓずつ12時間おきに10回避統投与し、その直後に開腹して得た卵巣を組織学的に観察したところ、閉鎖進行中の卵胞が目立ち、胞状卵胞数中に占める正常卵胞数の割合は対照の生理的食塩水投与区に比べ有意に低かった2. 前項1と同様にCTPFFを投与し、投与終了直後(0F-区)、12時間後(12-区)、36時間後(36-区)、96時間後(96-区)にhCG15IUを静注し、4日目に開腹して得た卵巣を組織学的に観察した。0F-区は対照区(生理的食塩水投与直後にhCGを静注して4日目に開腹;0S-区)に比べて胞状卵胞数中に占める正常卵胞数の漁合はわずかに低かったが有意差は認められず、その他の区と比べると有意に低い値を示した。間質細胞の空胞化が全区でところどころで観察されたが、特に0F-区では、脂肪変性様の変性、核変性、細胞崩壊を呈する著しい変化が認められ、卵巣間質全体に散在する空胞化のものが著しく多く、その他に細胞質の染色性が劣って白色化した間質細胞が塊を形成して出現している2種類が確認された。しかし排卵させなかった(黄体形成がない)0F-区の卵巣ではこのような変化は見られなかった。発達した黄体細胞数は、0F、12、36-区では 0S-区に比べて有意に少なく、0F、12-区では黄体組織内に多くの繊維芽細胞様細胞の侵入が認められ、血管の形成不全も観察された。以上の結果から、CTPFFの連続投与が、家兎卵厳の胞状卵胞の発達を抑制すること、hCGの静注による黄体形成に伴い間質細胞に著しい変性をもたらすこと、黄体形成不全を誘起することが示唆され、これらの影響はCTPFF投与後36時間までに回復しているものと推察された。
論文 | ランダム
- 英文論文誌について
- 筋強直性ジストロフィーにみられる腸管運動機能障害
- 開閉眼および随意眼球運動時における体性感覚誘発電位中潜時成分の検討
- 膿疱性乾癬(汎発型)ガイドライン2010 (第109回日本皮膚科学会総会--進化する皮膚科学--21世紀の医療・社会の中での役割と展望) -- (教育講演 乾癬--掌蹠膿胞症の新しい病因論と治療)
- 消化器系疾患 (臨床神経病学) -- (内科疾患に伴う神経症状)