Fertility of Muscovy Semen Frozen for about Three Years
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横取り法によって採取したマスコビーダック粕液をグリセリンの最終濃度7%の5.5%ブドウ糖・卵黄希釈液で4倍に希釈し、急速法によって-196℃の液体窒素申に約3年間(1032~1060日間)凍結保存し、融解後の精子活力、畸形率および同精液使用による受精率を調べた結果は次の如く要約される。1.液体窒素中に1032~1060日間凍結保存したマスコビーダック精子のTrial 1, 2の融解後の活力は60~75%、平均68.8%(++以上)であった。2.又同期間凍結保存したTrial 1,2の融解彼の畸形率は7.6~20.2% 平均13.5%であった。3.同期間凍結保存した精液使用によるTrial 1および2の1週目平均受精率は26.8%、2週目平均受精率は20.0%、又1-2週目平均受精率23.7%であった。Muscovy semen diluted with 5.5% glucose egg yolk solution, which contained 7% glycerol in its final concentration, quickly frozen by means of liquid nitrogen was stored at -196°C during three years. After that storage period the motility, abnormality and fertility of the spermatozoa in the thawed semen were studied and showed the following results. 1. The percentage of motile spermatozoa in thawed semen stored for 1032 to 1060 days was 68.8% (over ++) on the average in Trial 1 and Trial 2. 2. The percentages of abnormal spermatozoa in thawed semen stored for the same period was 13.5 % on the average in Trial 1 and Trial 2. 3. The fertility of the thawed semen was 26.8% in the first week, 20.0% in the second week and 23.7% in the 1-2 week on the average, in Trial 1 and Trial 2.
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